16.2.2020 Update. I finaly printed it. I deleted old versions. New version 3 have bigger wall box to accomodate driver and the mount is in separate file, you'll need two of course. You'll also need to drill holes for fixing light in the mounts (wall boxes) after printing. Now I'm dooing the wiring work. I will post some pics when they'll hung on the wall.
4.12.2019 Updated. More detailed curve on side panels and two times wider hole for the wiring. Now will suit cable size around 2,5x5mm. Please download ver.2 files.
Just leave in the comments if is there something else, that I forgot.
Just an improvisation of a wall light that I saw in a local apliance store.
Reference number under the light on the wall is not the right one, I noticed... and can't find the right number from Massive. Looks to be an old model or maybe one of the Horoz Belen model.
There are left and right options. Meant like a beadside lamps.
Difference is only in the side of the cable routing, but you can also use one as both, no one will notice that.
You'll need:
2x 10-12cm of self adhesive LED strip (I prefer 4000K)
around 30 cm of thin wire that should go in the 3mm hole.
2 small LED drivers that goes into the power box
4 bolts for the wall boxes fixation (4x60) + wall inserts
4 short bolts for fixing the lamps on to wall boxes (there is no holes in the wall boxes, you'll need to drill them after printing)
If you like my work, you can buy me a cofee or some fine creamy stout, anytime.
Wall_light_left_ver_3.stl | 62.7KB | |
Wall_light_mount_ver_3.stl | 22.3KB | |
Wall_light_right_ver_3.stl | 62.8KB |