I'm about to refurbish old grandfathers christmas crib and thought it might be a good idea to replace the old edison-like lightbubs for lighting the fire with some modern flickering LEDs.
I salvaged a total of 16 cheap LED tea candles, each of them has a flickering LED without the need of additional electronics, running at 3V. Since I had a 12V DC adapter laying around I chained 4 of the LED's together. Having now 4 parallel sets of LED chains results in a cool irregular flickering fire effect, because each set flickers in it's own randomness.
I know it is not the smartes electric circuit, but it works well for my purpose.
I'm planning to cover the cone with some red transparent paper and stack toothpicks or small twigs around.
Watch a short clip of the LEDs in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjFDCiq9lYE
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