NEW assemble_parts.stl there was an error in the first one
No guarantee is given !!!! Why? because I had 5V leads in stock and I don't want to burden the power supply with extra accessories!
Homemade light bar for my KE used led and mobile charger usb 5v. Click-on version lightbar so no screws in used here.
Printet in Black and Printer is a Ender 3V3KE and slicer Creality_Print-v4.3.8.6984-win64-Release
and used support
assemble_parts.stl.stl | 22.9KB | |
endtopLR.stl | 17.7KB | |
LightbarKEleft.stl | 60.2KB | |
lightbarKEright.stl | 51.3KB |