Leaf Structure Trivet Cnc/laser 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-NC-SA
File formats: dxf,pdf,stl,svg
Download type: zip

The file 'Leaf Structure Trivet Cnc/laser 3D Printer Model' is (dxf,pdf,stl,svg) file type, size is 531.8KB.


This trivet sports the pattern of a leaf structure. The multiplex material shows it's strong grain in each detail.

My build was done on a desktop cnc-machine by Stepcraft from 6 mm birch plywood using a spiral-toothed 1.2 mm flute.

A laser cutter might be a good alternative tool to create one like this.

Visit https://www.zenziwerken.de/en/Haushaltsgegenstaende/Topfuntersetzer for more trivet designs.

leaf-structure-trivet.dxf 302.4KB
leaf-structure-trivet.pdf 70.9KB
leaf-structure-trivet.stl 1.5MB
leaf-structure-trivet.svg 49.2KB