Laser Pointer For K40 Chinese CO2 Laser 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
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The file 'Laser Pointer For K40 Chinese CO2 Laser 3D Printer Model' is (SLDPRT,STL,SLDASM) file type, size is 470.2KB.


An adaptation/improvement on

for my K40 cheap Chinese laser. This one is modified:

  1. Clears the hinge/lips on my door (mine has a folded metal flange that tried to dislocate the original)
  2. Steps back behind the mirror
  3. Has a positive stop and a setscrew for angle, and has a spot for a ball-point-pen-spring instead of an external spring.

Like the other one, when you close the door, this lifts out of the way of the burning beam. Remember to hold it up if you're testing with the door open (you can see that I put binder clip on it if I'm aligning the mirrors)! I've also added (not pictured) an aluminum plate to protect the laser diode from the BFLaser in case I fire it without moving the arm out of the way.

Oh, you want to download, separate, and print the "NoCase" file -- the "Case" file has a lot of blocks that I used to design it (eg a block for where the lid contacts the arm, a block for the plane the laser should be at, and a "keepout" area where the arm has to make a bend to not hit the mirror when it homes).

Arm.SLDPRT 299.5KB
Hinge.SLDPRT 342.5KB
LaserCase.SLDPRT 111.5KB
LaserTarget-NoCase.STL 121.7KB
LaserTarget-Separated.STL 121.7KB
LaserTarget.SLDASM 140.0KB
LaserTarget.STL 124.4KB