A portable laser goniometer to accurately measure your knife edge angles.
It uses a cheap 12mm focussed laser that you can find everywhere : https://fr.aliexpress.com/item/4000028895737.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.41.a97333c8AIDsYr&algo_pvid=4fd76a37-1973-48f0-a660-fd7baae78b67&algo_exp_id=4fd76a37-1973-48f0-a660-fd7baae78b67-20&pdp_npi=4%40dis%21EUR%2111.61%218.13%21%21%2112.31%218.62%21%4021038dfc17159382823906147e3ea3%2110000000065520034%21sea%21FR%21704525008%21&curPageLogUid=IsQfN8xAtuTd&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch%7Cquery_from%3A
To use it, simply position the edge of your knife into the vertical bevel, then center the dots symetrically around the 0 mark and read the angle.
You can also measure double bevels knifes angles (see picture).
The ruler should be 150mm long. But the printing quality may lead to shorter or longer rulers (perimeter of the circle). Just choose the right length and glue it in place.
cadran.STL | 21.0KB | |
laser.STL | 41.1KB | |
rulerText.pdf | 97.9KB |