The file 'Laser Cut World Map / Globe For EggBot Or Spherebot (accurate Positioning)' is (svg) file type, size is 42.19 KB.
We've built a SphereBot with our grade school robotics club, and went looking for a good globe SVG. The problem is that maps of the world usually don't have the equator in the middle -- all the land is shifted south in order to better fit Canada, Russia, and other cold places like that.
So I took tgfuellner's map and tweaked it a bit to put the equator in the middle, and axed some of those cold places in favor of a more accurate globe. I also added a solid line for the equator and dotted lines for the tropics. (Those can be easily removed if you want.)
This is designed to print across 1100 of 1600 pole-to-pole steps (assuming 16x stepping), leaving 250 at the top and 250 at the bottom, where the ping pong balls are held in place.
Globe-accurate2.svg |