I've taken some of the star wars paper snowflake templates from
http://mattersofgrey.com/diy-star-wars-snowflakes/ and
and made full svg snowflakes so that you don't have to manually "fold" it in inkscape. Enjoy!
Almost comprehensive list:
Yoda, TieFighters (3 different ones), X-Wing (2 different), R2D2, C3PO, Stormtrooper(x2), Darth Vader, General Grievous, Jabba the Hut, Star Destroyer, Millenium Falcon, BB8(x2) Boba Fett(x2), Ewok.
Now there's 33 snowflakes! Fixed some glitches on R2, C3P0, and BB8. Also added a high res png so you can see the details.
snow_rev2.svg | 1.7MB |