I bought some time ago a DDS Signal Generator in a Chinese web shop. I was cheap but had no housing or case. In order not to damage the device, I decided to make one myself.
I have drawn first the generator, so I could use this model to shape the box around the device. The 6 buttons were a bit tricky to design, but I worked out fine. I used 3mm Plexiglass, PMMA. You need 3 mm thick material else the buttons won't fit and are to lose. The case is closed and held together with long m3 x 40 mm screw and nuts. But any screw m3 longer than 33 mm is long enough. The PCB of the generator is also set with M3 screws and nut. Anything longer than 10 mm will do.
I've used SolidWorks to draw this box. I added a dxf-file so it can be imported in most laser cutter software.
basis_toon_generator.SLDPRT | 487.6KB | |
sg_case.SLDASM | 276.0KB | |
sg_case_achterkant.SLDPRT | 170.5KB | |
sg_case_afstandsbus.SLDPRT | 48.0KB | |
sg_case_binnenkant.SLDPRT | 104.5KB | |
sg_case_button.SLDPRT | 41.8KB | |
sg_case_lcd.SLDPRT | 43.9KB | |
sg_case_side.SLDPRT | 205.0KB | |
sg_plot.DXF | 98.3KB | |
sg_plot.SLDDRW | 57.1KB |