Based on the Pass the SALT 2019 conference logo.
I'm sharing it mostly for its design process in case other people want to create their own conference badges.
The badges were made by the Polytech'Lille Fabricarium.
Compared to previous year badges, the following changes were made:
- New logo
- Poplar plywood instead of MDF
- Two more fields: affiliation/twitter/nickname and serial (to sort easily badges based on entrance ticket serials)
- Replace raster etching by vector etching (faster)
- Two holes for two-end lanyards (to avoid badges to turn over)
- Tokens directly attached to the badge (previous year people tend to lose the 3D-printed token)
- Outer cut in green so badges are detached last (avoid spurious moves during inner holes cutting)
- Optional language flag (most attendees are French-speaking and we'd like them to have the courtesy to switch to English in presence of non-French-speaking people)
- Common template text, much easier to work with, no more manual step after tile cloning