L-BOXX Mini – PINECIL Insert 3D Printer Model

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An insert for a Sortimo L-BOXX Mini to store security your PINECIL Soldering Iron including some accessories.
I purchased the PINECIL with the Power supply as a set at AliExpress a while back.
Power Supply Model: XY-1389 C+A65W, it has a US Connector build in and comes with an German Adapter.
The file L-Boxx-Mini_Pinecil-Lid_clean.stl is for designing a different soldering iron mount (like the TS100).

If you've any question, please leave a comment.
This is my first more complex project :)

L-Boxx-Mini_Pinecil-Box-Insert.stl 4.1MB
L-Boxx-Mini_Pinecil-Center_Hole_Cover.stl 20.4KB
L-Boxx-Mini_Pinecil-Lid-Pencil.stl 430.4KB
L-Boxx-Mini_Pinecil-Lid_clean.stl 6.9KB
L-Boxx-Mini_Pinecil-Sponge.stl 198.6KB
L-Boxx-Mini_Pinecil-Sponge_Lid.stl 472.2KB