Kitchen Tap And Sink Size 1:10 For Dollhouse Or Diorama 3D Printer Model

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License: CC BY-NC
File formats: stl
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The file 'Kitchen Tap And Sink Size 1:10 For Dollhouse Or Diorama 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 19.2MB.


Kichten tap and sink for dollhouse or diorama, scale 1:10
Evetything is my own design, drawn in Rhinosceros.
Items are spayed with glossy silve paint. Due to unpatience, paint was not 00% dry, so there is a fingerprint in the sink.

AfvoerpijpVoorWasbakje.stl 9.2MB
Keukenkraanl_DEEL_1.stl 20.0MB
Keukenkraanl_DEEL_2.stl 5.4MB
MetalenBakje.stl 15.0MB
Wasbakje.stl 12.8MB