Key For Road Booms Common In Sweden 3D Printer Model

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This is the first thing ive designed in 3d, ive tested it and it works just fine.

To start off, i dont know if these kinds of locks are used anywhere else but Sweden, here ive seen them in many places.

The key works on swinging booms, lifting booms and some booms with padlocks.

I made this by using calipers on the original item, looking at guides youtube and after trying the first version i made some modifications based on feeling and function.

This is iteration two, while the first could open these locks but it didnt open the one pictured since it has an anti tamper cowling around the key hole and i had made the key to short to turn the "handle" inside the cowling, the ring on the back was hitting it.

The changes i did were to lengthen the key a bit, made the ring on the end a little smaller, thickened the tooth that pushes the lock around and made the indentation on the front end shallower for strenght, it didnt need to be as deep as on the original key.

nyckel_V2.stl 2.4MB