The file 'Kbar – Stick End M4 8×20 3D Printer Model' is (STL) file type, size is 4.5MB.
Radio Stick Ends for Radiomaster, AG01, or other M4 gymbals
8mm dia x 20mm overall hieght (15mm texture)
This is a file for high resolution resin ptinting. It has an interal M4 thread. One of the files has a flush tube, which I used to wash out the threads. With a small syringe slowly push a few ml of clean IPA through the tube. Let it drain and dry before curing. Leaving the finished print attached to the build raft through washing and cureing, helped presserve the sharpness of the texture.
I hope you enjoy this one
Kbar-StickEnd_M4_8x20-flushtube.STL | 5.4MB | |
Kbar-StickEnd_M4_8x20-plain.STL | 4.7MB |