K8400 Spool Holder Angled (modified) 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY
File formats: stl
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The file 'K8400 Spool Holder Angled (modified) 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 332.8KB.


I found this kind of spool holder at:

After printing and installing it, I figured out, that the filament is to close to my modified extruder (designed by Cinya), depending of the spool itself. Some spools have been ok, some not.

So I move the holes for the screws from the end to the front to have the spool holder more off the extruder.

UPDATE: V1.1 got bigger screw holes, since the V1.0 screw holes are a little to small

k8400-spool-holder-left-mod.stl 2.2MB
k8400-spool-holder-left-mod_V1_1.stl 1.2MB