K8400 Led Support 3D Printer Model

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File formats: txt,FCStd,stl
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Led support for the Velleman K8400 3d printer.
I've bought 2 led strips (330x2x4 mm) by conrad (P/N 1343329) for few bucks. To mount them on my 3d printer I've designed this holder.
Print the file 4 times, mount 2 of each clip on each led stripe, mount everything on the printer and connect to the power supply.
The led strips are connected to the 15VDC standard power supply with a resistor of 22 Ohm 1/2 Watt.
As prescribed from GPL license, I include the "source" freeCAD file and a copy of the license.

gpl-2.0.txt 17.7KB
led3.1.FCStd 47.7KB
led3.1.stl 68.8KB