It's pretty simple, four parts, The cap gets printed twice, The rings once, and the Maker once. It makes burger making easy! Parts come apart for easy cleaning.
Print the parts at different sizes to get different size burgers. X and Y for size and Z for thickness.
Print these in HIPS Plastic! It is food grade and safe for the dishwasher. ABS and PLA are a bad idea. HIPS is roughly the same price as ABS and PLA and will print the same.
Takes about 12hours total to print at 100 microns. Smoothing the insides where the meat touches the plastic is recommended.
Burger-RING-V1.0.stl | 303.0KB | |
JUCY-Cap-V1.0.stl | 1.3MB | |
JUCY-Maker-V1.0.stl | 1.3MB | |
JUCY-RING-V1.0.stl | 1.8MB |