Do you own an old RC radio Walkera WK-1001 with a 35, 40 or 72 Mhz module and want to use it in the 2,4GHz band?
You can, by simply replacing the radio module on the back with a JR compatible one, but.... They are too big and don't fit!
This is a workaround to substitute the enclosures of the JR and compatible modules, that are too big, with one that can accomodate the electronics and fits into the WALKERA WK-1001 module bay, without any sanding that, after, makes impossible to resell the modules due their ugly appearance...
The .STL file include its supporting material, as you can see evidenced in green in the second image of the enclosure, so it does not require any other support built by the 'slicing' software. That material consists in thin walls (0,2mm thick), that must be removed with a sharp cutter (see the 3rd and 4th picture).
Be careful when removing the material under the retainers, that can break easily.
It's a good choice, after removing the supporting material, to brush both sides of the retainers with a little paintbrush lightly wet with acetone, to make them more robust, obviously after printing it in ABS.
Also, you can adjust a little the rectangular aperture on the bottom, from which the module accepts the five pins of the radio.
Inside, there are three supports with holes where to screw the lid of the module. These can be adjusted in height at need by cutting away the excess of material.
Thanks for reading!
walkera_wk-1001_radio_module.stl | 95.5KB |