Jetfire G1 Gun Clip Gun Mount Mounting Pod 3D Printer Model

License: CC BY
File formats: STL
Download type: zip

The file 'Jetfire G1 Gun Clip Gun Mount Mounting Pod 3D Printer Model' is (STL) file type, size is 9.8KB.


This is a recreation of the commonly lost gun mount for G1 Transformers Jetfire. And I've gone and made mirror versions so that you can mount properly on the left or right arms (something the original didn't have).

Accurate - This is as accurately as I could model the piece, but the original piece was rather fragile, and a printed version is likely to be even more so.

AccurateSupported - This is the same as above, but I've modeled in supports so you can print without dynamically generated supports.

Modified - This is the one I will personally use, as it removes the clips that attach to the forearm (easily broken), and unifies the peg in the middle that slots into the arm slot as one piece. It's also the easiest to print.

I've tried out both versions on my jetfire with the original gun and it works great. I haven't tried it yet with the rebuilt gun that I have posted here, but I'm guessing it would be fine.

The picture has the gear fix for the shoulder, the gun clip and a printed gun!

This tiny piece costs about $35 on ebay, so if you could tip $5 or so for my effort, I'd appreciate it.

AccurateLeft.STL 9.1KB
AccurateLeftSupported.STL 10.2KB
AccurateRight.STL 9.1KB
AccurateRightSupported.STL 10.2KB
ModifiedLeft.STL 5.4KB
ModifiedRight.STL 5.4KB