Jelly Fish 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Jelly Fish 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 17.9MB.


I took the amazingly cool Cellular Bowl design by Shapespeare, flipped it upside down and added a couple things to make it an aquatic creature. I had some 1/2in (or 12.7mm) acrylic tube in the garage I used for the center post but You could print a clear hollow cylinder of that diameter too (4 shells, no infill). Then I used this
LED Module
Left the bottom half of that off, drilled a hole in the side of that and the printed base to run the cord in and soldered in one of these to the battery terminals
USB Cords for power. Then used misc beads (I used clear iridescent glass beads) on clear nylon string for the tentacles. I used a piece of wire coat hanger in the shape of a circle with a line through it to create the hoop at the top (under the jellyfish shell) with the line through one of the holes in the top mount. That created a nice hoop to hang the beads from. But you could use the 4 holes to run string through to make loops to hang them from as well. Then printed a diffuser lens with 20% infill to help soften the light. Note that the base base has small notches in it to help center the lower mount when you glue it.
Here is the youtube:
let me know if I can help answer questions

cellular_bowl.stl 38.9MB
diffuser.stl 6.1KB
jelly_stand.stl 297.6KB
lower_mount.stl 114.7KB
Top_Mount.stl 33.7KB