Jeep Wrangler Key Covers 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-NC-SA
File formats: 3mf,FCStd,stl,txt
Download type: zip

The file 'Jeep Wrangler Key Covers 3D Printer Model' is (3mf,FCStd,stl,txt) file type, size is 1.4MB.


This can be used as key hole covers for the two front doors on the Jeep Wrangler JL.

Background: I tried to buy this off of Amazon, but the seller wouldn't ship it for like 2 weeks, so I cancelled the order and decided to make my own.

I have the 2024 JL, so it doesn't have a rear key-hole, so I did not create them.

See the readme file on the magnets needed. I just stacked two magnets in the slot, and it grabs on well. Just make sure to pause the print at the right layer and add in a color change if needed.

Jeep-Door-Cover-Blank.3mf 22.8KB
Jeep-Door-Cover-Blank.FCStd 32.1KB
Jeep-Door-Cover-Blank.stl 122.7KB
Jeep-Door-Cover-Duck_With_Jeeps.3mf 74.0KB
Jeep-Door-Cover-Duck_With_Jeeps.FCStd 589.9KB
Jeep-Door-Cover-Duck_With_Jeeps.stl 356.9KB
Jeep-Door-Cover-F.3mf 33.6KB
Jeep-Door-Cover-F.FCStd 117.3KB
Jeep-Door-Cover-F.stl 170.9KB
Jeep-Door-Cover-Jeep_Logo.3mf 78.1KB
Jeep-Door-Cover-Jeep_Logo.FCStd 279.4KB
Jeep-Door-Cover-Jeep_Logo.stl 387.1KB
readme.txt 871.0B