I HAVE NOT PRINTED THIS Now printed, see pics. Regular support generated is a PAIN ;) I am going to try tree support next. Someone asked for the Jack Skellington face for the new 2020 Jack O'Lantern by thejelmfelt -
https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4610823 , so here it is. I included one without the eyebrows also as it seemed like being that close to the eyes may cause printing problems on some machines. Choice is always good anyway :)
I have NOT printed this! I just wanted to get it up here quick since Halloween is just around the corner. If there are any other designs you would like send me a message or post a comment and I will see what I can do. No idea what is wrong with the text formatting *sigh*UPDATE 9-20-2022 - Tree support works GREAT. I totally forgot to add this before but I saw a lot of people downloading it to get ready for Halloween and wanted to let you all know that tree support is the way to go!