The file 'Jack Knob 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 223.3KB.
used this as a replacement for the Pittsburgh 22 ton air/hydraulic floor jack (SKUs 63273, 66242, 39861, 61476)
Removed busted knob by cutting old one off with hacksaw, also removing allen keeper screw.
This part is designed to replace the allen keeper and molded part.
Use the 2 wedges (inserted into milled keyway slots) then start the knob onto them, should go about 2/3rds of the way on then need to be "love tapped" with a hammer for final fit.
If the fit somehow is still loose, remove wedges, insert allen keeper screw 1/16" to 1/8" (one or two threads) from flush to add tension. re install as previously mentioned.
made by me for my shop. Couldn't figure out the point of the allen keeper so i didnt design a hole for it
jack_knob_v1.stl | 590.2KB |