Update: RPi_Zero_Case_v4b1.stl is Pi inverted! The Pi Zero goes in with the camera connector pointing down and the Micro SD Card pointing up. This puts the power plug on the side near the bottom instead of the top.
So I FINALLY got a Raspberry Pi Zero - just after they announced the new model with the camera connector - ugh...
Anywho. I thought I'd design a nice case for it that would look kinda stylish sitting on the desk, and not obviously yarpic (yet-another-raspberry-pi-case). Jury is out if I achieved that or not.
I thought Translucent Red would look nice, but now I think it looks yucky. Sorry. "Gold" was the other color I had handy.
Single piece. Slide the Pi in from the top. No supports needed.
You can slide the MicroSD card in and out from the bottom and there should be enough room at the top for a Pi Zero with Camera Connector as well. I'm thinking the tower/chimney effect should help with cooling.
I think a CPU heat sink will fit inside, but haven't tried it.
Yes, it took me 4.a tries to get a case I liked that fit/looks good...
My other Raspberry Pi Zero Cases:
RPi_Zero_Case_v4a.stl | 190.9KB | |
RPi_Zero_Case_v4b1.stl | 193.1KB |