IPrunes – Aquaponics System 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-NC-SA
File formats: pdf,DXF,STL
Download type: zip

The file 'IPrunes – Aquaponics System 3D Printer Model' is (pdf,DXF,STL) file type, size is 281.5KB.


iPrunes is my attempt at an indoor aquaponic garden. I wanted to design a fruitful unit that was compact, adaptable and aesthetic. The design for me also had to be easily replicated and re definable as technology advances. The design used open source materials & manufacturing techniques which are widely available in makerspaces globally.

Please visit instructables for the build


BIM_iPrunes_-_Sheet1.pdf 68.3KB
Gasket.DXF 206.1KB
Laser_Cutting_V2.0.DXF 315.4KB
Pod_V2.0_XYZ.STL 405.3KB