Internal Corner Guard Or Corner Liner 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: STL
Download type: zip

The file 'Internal Corner Guard Or Corner Liner 3D Printer Model' is (STL) file type, size is 5.4KB.


These can be used to cover the corner of a wall around the edges, whether you would like to add color to your wall or to have them on there for safety.

USING AS CORNER GUARD RECCOMENDATION: I think the best option if it is being used to make wall corner safer is to use TPU filament, and give it 10% infill, this will give it a nice squishy structure to absorb some impact.

Corner_Guard_-_Corner_5cm_5cm.STL 12.2KB
Corner_Guard_15cm.STL 6.1KB