Different tails for xt30, vifly finder / mini, vtx Antennas and rx Antennas.
Walksnail parts plus 20x20 mount for ghost atto and ep1/2
Apex3 clone: https://de.aliexpress.com/item/1005003898008586.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.37.21ef5c5fFAx0pp&gatewayAdapt=glo2deu
V1.1-V1.3: Stronger Parts
V1.1: Stronger XT30 Plug mount (the original one broke during crash)
apex3_clone_vifly_atto_ant_walksnail.stl | 1.7MB | |
apex3_clone_xt30_plug.stl | 57.8KB | |
apex3_xt30_top.stl | 87.9KB | |
apex3_xt30_vifly_atto_ant.stl | 1.7MB | |
elrs_ep1_20x20.stl | 522.6KB | |
Frame_Parts-MiscArmWire.stl | 204.0KB | |
ghost_atto_20x20.stl | 718.8KB | |
Vifly_Atto_Ant_Mount-v1.1.stl | 538.8KB | |
Vifly_Atto_Ant_Mount.stl | 534.6KB | |
Vifly_Mini_Atto_Ant_Mount.stl | 526.2KB | |
Vifly_Mini_Mount.stl | 36.3KB | |
Vifly_Mount.stl | 47.4KB | |
walksnail_antenna_durable.stl | 8.3MB | |
XT30_SMA_Ant_Mount-v1.1.stl | 89.5KB | |
XT30_SMA_Ant_Mount-v1.3.stl | 87.6KB | |
XT30_SMA_Ant_Mount.stl | 89.5KB | |
XT30_TBS_Triumph_Mount-v1.1.stl | 1.1MB | |
XT30_TBS_Triumph_Mount-v1.2.stl | 1.1MB | |
XT30_TBS_Triumph_Mount.stl | 1.1MB |