IKier K1 Pro Max – H1 Matrix Positioning 3D Printer Model

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License: CC BY-SA
File formats: stl
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These feet for the iKier K1 Pro max are very useful for exact positioning of the iKier H1-Matrix so you can use the whole bed-size of the Laser without repositioning the matrix or mechanical reconfiguring the laser-hight. The feet raise the complete laser 27mm which is the hight of the H1-Matrix.

You will need

  • one left
  • one right
  • two of the small feets

The left foot is front-left-position (front = display-side), right foot is on front-right-position.

After using these feet the h1-matrix perfectly fits into the spare-edges of the front-feets.

IKier_Stand.stl 45.7KB
IKier_Stand_Left.stl 22.4KB
IKier_Stand_Right.stl 22.8KB