The file 'IJN – Japanese Naval Ordnance – Pearl Harbor 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 2.2MB.
IJN - Japanese naval ordnance - Pearl Harbor
1:72 Scale
Torpedo Type 91(With wood tail stabilizer) 7,32cm
Bomb Type 98 (Precision delivery payload) 2,5cm
Personal use allowed. Reproduction is authorized, provided the source is cited.
Example.stl | 1.9MB | |
IJN.Bomb.Type.98.scale.1.72.stl | 178.4KB | |
IJN.Bomb.Type.99.scale.1.72.stl | 243.3KB | |
IJN.Torpedo.Type.91.scale.1.72_1.stl | 1.5MB | |
IJN.Torpedo.Type.91.scale.1.72_2.stl | 1.5MB |