The file 'Ignition Lock For Cessna Mini Panel 3D Printer Model' is (FCStd,stl) file type, size is 834.4KB.
This is the Ignition Lock for my Cessna Mini Panel printed in PETG or PLA. It's used with 6x6mm push buttons, a small sprint (from a pen) and a small ball (for the detent).
My Cessna Mini Panel is found here:
IgnitionLock.FCStd | 578.7KB | |
IgnitionLock_Back.stl | 155.5KB | |
IgnitionLock_Cover.stl | 532.3KB | |
IgnitionLock_Front.stl | 113.6KB | |
IgnitionLock_Key.stl | 42.9KB | |
IgnitionLock_RotaryAxis.stl | 119.5KB |