Frosthaven Ice Spikes by bdworks4 - remixed.
No supports required for resin printers, just print flat on the bed.
10 are required for FROSTHAVEN
Version 2 now up - In the original version one of the spikes was only attached to the base with a very small contact, and could snap off easily (this issue is present in the original file i remixed from). I've reinforced the contacts between the spikes and the base, it should be a lot more sturdy now.
1) Flattened the bottom of the model to prevent resin traps.
2) Increased the model height to make it more substantial on the game board.
3) Added a forth spike to the centre of the model to improve stability of figures standing on the spikes.
If you want to be extra fancy:
Print in clear resin
Cure under water (preserves clarity of clear resin)
Paint the snowy base with white acrylic paint
Apply clearcoat over the entire model (preserves clarity of clear resin)
Ice_Spikes_-_Remixed_V2_fixed.stl | 963.0KB |