Completely printable frame for Hypercube. As loing as you have 177mm height.
Based off tech2c recomended measurements.
*designed to print with my lasercut i3 with e3d x179 y190 z180
You may have to sand the male part to fit depending on your printers tolerances. I had 2 that were perfect and one that needed sanding.
My first print of all the x at once.
12hr 49 min print time 60 mm/sec pla on (4_x_340mm_X.stl)
Not sure whats faster on at a time or together.
-Check out these link for m3 tslot nut holders.
Frame Size
T-Slot 2020 Aluminium Extrusion Profiles for X200 x Y200 x Z155 print bed area
4 x 340mm (X)
4 x 303mm (Y)
4 x 350mm (Z)
2 x 285mm (Bed)
1 x 135mm (Bed)
1_x_135mm_Bed.stl | 12.9KB | |
1_x_285mm_Bed.stl | 32.1KB | |
1_x_350mm_Z.stl | 51.1KB | |
2_x_285mm_Bed.stl | 64.1KB | |
303mm_Y.stl | 31.9KB | |
303mm_Y_middle.stl | 19.0KB | |
4_x_303mm_Y.stl | 127.4KB | |
4_x_340mm_X.stl | 128.0KB | |
4_x_350mm_Z.stl | 201.6KB | |
extender_2.stl | 21.9KB | |
HyperCube_x_340mm.stl | 31.8KB | |
t_slot_nut.STL | 17.7KB |