Hyper Go H16BM Camera Mount 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Hyper Go H16BM Camera Mount 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 85.4KB.


Need 4 M3 8mm screws to connect the two plates. One can heat the screws up and press them into the holes. The GoPro no press mount can be used with a nut to tighten it down. This would need a longer screw, e.g. 10-12mm.

I just improvised with rubber bands and paper to get the camera cage connected with the top plate in the photo. I also added a newer version to 3d print a combined part.

Hyper_Go_H16BM_Camera_-_Bottom_Plate.stl 227.2KB
Hyper_Go_H16BM_Camera_-_Cage.stl 435.7KB
Hyper_Go_H16BM_Camera_-_Cage_Test.stl 121.4KB
Hyper_Go_H16BM_Camera_-_GoPro_Top_Plate_no_press.stl 415.9KB
Hyper_Go_H16BM_Camera_-_Top_Plate.stl 336.3KB