HydroAlpha is a fast hydroplane rc boat project.
the boat lenght is: 50 cm
Now is still in development so stay tuned for update!
Printed the 2 lateral parts, easy no support required:
maded in pla
10% infill cube quarter
2 perimeter
0.3 layer
maybe next time will try 5% infill, anyway the pieces looks strong and lightwheight (100gr each)
used epoxy glue to stick the parts togheter (very easy)
*note: after i tested CA Glue and for pla works lot better!
Printed all! look very nice but the cover need some fix because is really boring to fit.
perfect floating!.
Added a new version of cabin with 8mm shaft tube hole and supports
Ok now need to wait for electronic parts,
i will try with:
-2845 brushless 5900kv liquid cooled
-150A esc liquid cooled
-2s lipo
-10kg servo
and hardware:
-3mm shaft
-8mm shaft-tube with bearings
-universal joint
-35mm propeller
-tube and nozzles for cooling
-75mm rudder (maybe i design one but i think metal is better)
and i think its all!
look my other rc boat:
hydro-v3-cabin3.STEP | 1.8MB | |
HydroAlpha-cabin-1-2.STL | 296.4KB | |
HydroAlpha-cabin-2-2.STL | 146.5KB | |
HydroAlpha-cabin-8mm-tube-1.stl | 409.9KB | |
HydroAlpha-cabin-8mm-tube-2.stl | 213.1KB | |
HydroAlpha-cabin-8mm-tube.STL | 586.6KB | |
HydroAlpha-cabin-lid.STL | 153.5KB | |
HydroAlpha-cabin.STL | 406.6KB | |
HydroAlpha-left.stl | 58.3KB | |
HydroAlpha-left_1-3.stl | 20.7KB | |
HydroAlpha-left_2-3.stl | 15.2KB | |
HydroAlpha-left_3-3.stl | 46.0KB | |
HydroAlpha-right.STL | 58.3KB | |
HydroAlpha-right_1-3.stl | 20.7KB | |
HydroAlpha-right_2-3.stl | 15.2KB | |
HydroAlpha-right_3-3.stl | 46.0KB | |
HydroAlpha-shaft-tube-support.STL | 40.4KB |