The file 'Horned God Amulet (pentagram Version) 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 74.2KB.
I used Inkscape and GIMP to process the original image source (modified symbol of the Horned God). Then, I modelled the amulet in Blender.
The Horned God is one of the two primary deities found in Wicca and some related forms of Neopaganism. He represents the male part of the religion's duotheistic theological system, the other part being the female Triple Goddess or other Mother Goddess. In common Wiccan belief, he is associated with nature, wilderness, sexuality, hunting, and the life cycle. Whilst depictions of the deity vary, he is always shown with either horns or antlers upon his head, often depicted as being theriocephalic (having a beast's head), in this way emphasizing "the union of the divine and the animal", the latter of which includes humanity.
hornedgodpentagram_amulet.stl | 287.2KB |