Horizontal Spool Holder 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY
File formats: stl
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The file 'Horizontal Spool Holder 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 155.9KB.


ok there are actually two designs here.

these are an easier alternative than the somewhat over engineered bearing types that can be found everywhere (unless your planning on spinning your filament spool at race car speeds you really dont need bearings ffs)

one suits the more conventional style filament spools while the other is for the smaller centre holed variety.

both designs are intended for use in a horizontal format and work exceptionally well.

additional hardware required for each design:-

5x m4x15mm bolts
1x m4x30mm bolt
2x m4 locking nut
1x Meccano 3" pulley (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Meccano-Vintage-Part-19b-Pulley-Black-/191196205568?hash=item2c842e9200:g:IPgAAOxy3cJTiGgf_

Printed in ABS but PLA will work just as well, the only benefits to ABS is that it sands quit well which means you can get rid of all those sharper edges cleanly which makes the spools more comfortable to use.

Filament_spool_slim.stl 52.4KB
filament_spool_standard.stl 496.2KB