Insert for Honey Buzz + Fall Flavors expansion, both fitting in the base game box.
Designed for sleeved cards (I use UltraPro's, which are the largest of them I think, and quite thick).
- Designed to hold the components from the retail version of the game (both base and Fall Flavors expansion). Not designed to hold deluxe components or any of the other mini expansions.
- To make it fit everything, I had to integrate the expansion's module "Autumn Leaves", meaning, I replaced 6x of each hive tile type with the expansion's. This insert will not hold the leftover hive tiles (I placed them in the expansion box as backup). I do as the rulebook suggests and simply ignore the leaf hive icons when playing without that module.
- When measuring my nectar tiles stacked height (the 24 hexagonal flower/honey tokens), I noticed the base game's tiles are a bit shorter than the expansion's, despite both being 24 tokens. Base game was 62.5mm and expansion 64.5mm. I do not know if this is universal or specific to my version of the game (French base game + German expansion). Measure your nectar tiles piles height for both the base game and expansion and if they don't match my measures, you'll have to open the TokenHolders in Blender and move the corner faces/vertices forwards to make more room. Or just place any leftovers in the misc box.
Other not so important notes:
- After I printed my inserts, I realized I could have made the "50 credits" tray slightly smaller, to make more room for the "10 credits" tray. I did this in the stl file provided but the photo still shows the old version.
- I provided two versions of the tokens holder, one for people who store the game vertically (I increased that piece's height to make sure there is no loose space) and horizontally (there is some loose space). You can of course print the Horizontal version and fill in the extra space with some other filler if needed. The Horizontal version may also make room for extra components you may have (deluxe or mini expansions).
- The misc box holds the trophy tokens, drones, and first player marker. If you have other mini expansions or deluxe tokens, they may fit there, as there is some extra room remaining.
- Tile holders are taken from
- Card Holder cards: from the photo's perspective, from top left to bottom right:
Setup ¦ Queen Contest ¦ All solo cards
Fruit orders ¦ Big orders ¦ Small orders ¦ Leaf cards and toasts