The file 'Hogwarts For 220 X220 Bed Printtime 18h30 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 5.8MB.
Because the printtime of the original file was too long, over 30 hours, and I didn't manage to find out changing the infill for part of the object in Cura (in Ideamaker it is more simple, but the printing time in Ideamaker was much longer as in Cura...) I remixed the bottom plate , made it less high, and I had to rescale for a 220 X 220 bed.
Further more I found out that with taking 15 % infill type CONCENTRIC, (cubix or grid is 2 hours longer) I reduced the estimated printtime to 19 hours, and in real it finished in 18 hours 1/2
Dimensions:143x200x98 mm
All credits to Ayattheloafer and falloutboy 2015 for creating the source object for this remix.
My work was only rescaling and making the bottomplate thinner for reducing printtime.
bodempl_lager_hogwarts.stl | 20.1MB |