HOB Overflow Box 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-NC-SA
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file 'HOB Overflow Box 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 28.4KB.


This is still a work in progress

Please let me know your thoughts, concerns, or questions!

This is a Hang on the back overflow box for a fish tank, it allows water to be siphoned down to a sump for filtration without needing to drill the tank. The design resembles closely to the cpr overflow box using a built in U tube design. To start the siphon take a airline tube and put it into the u tube section at the top, then suck in air while the overflow box is filling up. Once you get water starting to come through the airline tube, stop sucking and remove the airline tubing.

The holes in the external box should be large enough to add 1 in bulkheads and then your own 1 in pvc

The lids are optional, especially the internal overflow box lid, its simply to keep algae from growing inside of the box.

Let me know what you think or if I missed mentioning any important information!

Back_half_of_overflow_box.stl 26.5KB
external_overflow_lid.stl 16.1KB
Internal_overflow_lid.stl 12.2KB
Overflow_box_side_weir_v2.stl 8.3KB
Overflow_weir_v2.stl 71.9KB
Side_back_half_of_overflow_box.stl 3.8KB