Hidden Nozzel Drawer – Easy Print, Easy Open 3D Printer Model

License: CC BY
File formats: stl
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The file 'Hidden Nozzel Drawer – Easy Print, Easy Open 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 122.4KB.


I really like the original but I wanted to print it with more precise dimensions and different colours and by breaking up the design I was able to do just that!

I added an extra micro SD card slot and tightened up the nozzle holes. I also stretched the front to help better hide the open end of the aluminum extrusion. After that I made the outer dimensions of the drawer fit a bit closer to the aluminum extrusion so there is less play around it and it runs quite smoothly.

The drawer insert has very close clearances drawn in but if your printer tends to print a bit bigger you may want to apply a slight horizontal off-set to the drawer itself.

It should all print well without supports but I did use some supports on the front just to be sure that the dowel holes would print within tolerances.

I hope you enjoy this design! Have fun and be sure to post a make when you're done!

Drawer.stl 304.5KB
Drawer_Front.stl 244.0KB
Drawer_Insert.stl 120.1KB