Hiccup’s Helmet From HTTYD 2 (completed) 3D Printer Model

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To those who want the full helmet, now you can have it. I modeled the missing part and also scaled everything to match. I have also included a whole version so you can scale the helmet within Armorsmith to then print the individual parts at the same scale

you must download all the parts for the helmet from here because i have made modifications to everything, making it so if you use the original files they will not work with the new part

keep in mind that the back four pieces and the cheek piece are to be held together with some sort of moving rivet joint or similar item so the back pieces can move a little bit. In the future i may model one exclusively for this project.

to make this wearable for an adult you will have to scale it up to at least 135% or more. I am printing it at 140% scale for the test print.

if you find any issues, please do not be afraid to let me know.

Once i have finished test printing this i will upload the images here, either as a make or just make it the cover photo

I am test printing this as of now, and i will likely come back with updates

I have printed the mouth and cheek portions along with the middle nose piece. the mouthpiece will sit behind the cheek bit a little, and you will have to solder or glue it in place for it to work. currently printing the dome.

i forgot to update yesterday, but i now have the dome printed. i have soldered together all of the parts i currently have printed, which consists of the dome, cheek, mouth, and center piece. I am printing the back four pieces right now, and that will hopefully be done tomorrow, though my filament has been very finicky as of late so we shall see.

Alrighty, i got all the parts printed. to make this comfortable, you will have to have a really thin rivet cap or just solder the parts together like i did. I will be making the rest of the armor out of EVA foam so i will likely layer some thin EVA foam over the helmet just so it will match everything else

Okay, i have the entire helmet padded and covered in eva foam. just need to sand the foam clay i used to fill some seams, and then paint it black. though i still need to figure out what i am doing for the brown leather parts

Back_1_Large.stl 105.9KB
Back_2.stl 108.5KB
Back_3.stl 108.9KB
Back_4_Small.stl 100.7KB
Cheek.stl 2.3MB
Dome.stl 423.0KB
Middle_Strip.stl 57.2KB
Mouthpiece.stl 252.6KB
Whole_Helmet.stl 3.8MB