Hex Bit Holder (compatible With IKEA Skadis) 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-NC-SA
File formats: 3mf,stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Hex Bit Holder (compatible With IKEA Skadis) 3D Printer Model' is (3mf,stl) file type, size is 3.3MB.


Hex bit holder compatible with IKEA Skadis.

As hooks use the Skadis_Universal_Hook.stl by CSD_Salzburg:

SkadisHexHolder.3mf 198.6KB
SkadisHexHolder.stl 659.5KB
SkadisHexHolderDoubled.3mf 257.5KB
SkadisHexHolderDoubled.stl 886.0KB
SkadisHexHolderShort.3mf 176.3KB
SkadisHexHolderShort.stl 568.0KB
SkadisHexHolderShortDoubled.3mf 214.2KB
SkadisHexHolderShortDoubled.stl 710.3KB
SkadisHexHolderShortTripled.3mf 244.8KB
SkadisHexHolderShortTripled.stl 829.5KB
SkadisHexHolderShortTripledNarrow.3mf 165.9KB
SkadisHexHolderShortTripledNarrow.stl 527.3KB
SkadisHexHolderTripled.3mf 304.2KB
SkadisHexHolderTripled.stl 1.0MB