The handle of a cheap screwdriver split and with the hex bits still around I designed this compact handle. Includes 2 modes of usage, a magnet and Nuts for robustness.
It has 2 positions for the hex bits:
The second position uses a magnet to hold the bit in place. The M5 nuts surround the bit and negate wear and tear of the plastic part. The metal parts are inserted mid print when the print pauses after a layer change. The example gcodes use M601, M600 or M0 which did the trick for me (Marlin firmware).
Fits a ~quarter inch hex bit (~6.35mm)
There are 2 stl files depending on how well your printer is tuned in:
Feel free to comment if you need a different bit size.
Hex_Bit_Handle.3mf | 104.3KB | |
Hex_Bit_handle.obj | 1.3MB | |
Hex_Bit_handle.step | 2.2MB | |
Hex_Bit_Handle.stl | 375.5KB | |
Hex_Bit_Handle_largeTol.stl | 412.2KB | |
Hex_Bit_Handle_M0.gcode | 821.2KB | |
Hex_Bit_Handle_M600.gcode | 721.9KB | |
Hex_Bit_Handle_M601.gcode | 692.9KB |