Heroes3 The Board Game Table Organizer 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

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I love the heroes 3 boardgame and I find myself playing it a lot with my friends.
However every time we played, each player's side ended up chaotic. So I made these designs to keep everything nice and tidy while playing, and also this would allow us to move our stuff quickly and easily when it's time for food :D

Turns out they are quite handy.

It took me about 40 hours of work to come up with these final designs (I am a novice at freecad after all), so if you end up printing them and liking them, feel free to buy me a coffee, through a small donation.
I would really appreciate that :D :D :D .

Also feel free to remix them as much as you like

The deck and discard slot, each can hold about 20 cards unsleeved. This seemed a nice compromise as our decks rarely got over 30 cards and most of the time they were divided between our deck, our discard pile and our hand.

Which in our games turned out more than enough.

These boards are sized 220x214x10mm and they fit perfectly on my ender3v2 bed.

I will also upload some variants in the coming weeks. One that will have no need for supports as the cards will be simply dropped in place, instead of slide-in place as is with the current design (I am referring to the hero and town cards), because even though they are few and easy to remove, I do understand not everyone wants to deal with supports.

Also since bambu lab a1 mini seems to be quite a popular printer I will make some variants for printers with smaller print beds. This will probably mean that the decks will be on a separate board.

I will upload the redesigns once I am happy with the results.

If you have any questions feel free to ask, I will try to answer as soon as possible.

And happy gaming!!!

Heroes3-Faction_Card_V1.0_-_With_Both-Heroes3_-_Faction_Card_with_Both+Cutout_.stl 13.9MB
Heroes3-HeroCard-V4.0.1.stl 16.8MB