Hero Me Gen7 Hornet Gantry Adapter 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: SLDPRT,STL
Download type: zip

The file 'Hero Me Gen7 Hornet Gantry Adapter 3D Printer Model' is (SLDPRT,STL) file type, size is 25.4MB.


Adapeter to mount the base of hero me (i do not used the stock artillery hornet hotend, instead i've used a v6 one and a bmg extruder, but i had reused the stock extruder motor).
The are 11 hole in it.
The 2 bigger ones are for the screws for the wheels.
The 4 in the bottom are for connecting the base of the hero me
The upper 2 i've used them for secure the extruder and the motor and they connect to the bmg front mount where i've added two heat insert (i don't kwon if they are meant for that purpose).
For the last 3, they are the one that connect to the rest of the print, the furthest on the side are meat to be screwd watching the print from the front and they will go directly in the threded hole of the default aluminum mount. The center one is very difficult to be mounted from the front so i've left a spsce for a 4.2x3 M3 heat insert to be inserted and so you can screw a bolt in from behind.
There are 4 version, the thick versions (10mm thickness) are because using a v6 hotend the heatblock cannot rotate properly using the thin versions (5mm thickness).
The versions with the spacer are used for do not leave space between the adapter and the bmg font mount.

artillery_hornet_gantry_adapter.SLDPRT 24.7MB
artillery_hornet_gantry_adapter_thick_no_spacer.STL 893.8KB
artillery_hornet_gantry_adapter_thick_spacer.STL 927.2KB
artillery_hornet_gantry_adapter_thin_no_spacer.STL 893.8KB
artillery_hornet_gantry_adapter_thin_spacer.STL 927.2KB