The file 'Headphone Mount Quest3 BoboVR M3 3D Printer Model' is (stl,FCStd) file type, size is 2.5MB.
This is a Headphone Mount for the BoboVR M3 (M2 may fit, too) Head strap.
I use the Sony MDR-ZX110 ( Headphones. They are not so expensive and not so bad for these purposes. You can disassemble t the Headphones easily. They will fit in the Headphone Holder afterwards in this print.
I attached the original FreeCad File.
12.12.2023: Updated HeadPhoneHolder and FreeCadFile. Optimized Connector for better fitting.
24.12.2023 Updated HeadPhoneHolder and FreeCadFile. Connector Joint is now a bit tighter.
BoboVRM3_Mount_Adapter.stl | 862.7KB | |
Halter_BoboVR_V3.FCStd | 663.2KB | |
HeadPhoneHolder_BoboVRM3_LD_V3.stl | 3.4MB |