HandCab WiFi Throttle … 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-NC-SA
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file 'HandCab WiFi Throttle … 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 1020.2KB.


Note: If you were one of the early ones to do a download and the case top file isn't '-11' download that one as it has little deepr thread holes, '-10' version will work thought.


HandCab is a throttle that mimics the real thing better than operating your trains with a knob or slider. It has large throttle, brake and reverser handles for a 'real' feel when you control a loco making you think like an engineer. The throttle uses a lot of the case and controls from the WiTcontroller Throttle you can also build but has a control stalk added to the top that is modeled off the 'Barrel' control stands that were found in GP7/9's. Control your trains in a more prototypical way, build a HandCab throttle.The HandCab Throttle along with most Android and Apple devices running supported throttle apps will work with any WiThrottle Server such as JMRI, DCC-EX, MRC WiFi, Digitrax LnWi, NCE (WiFi/DCC NCE Cab Bus Interface), TCS CS-105 (Using WiFiTrax WFD-30 or WFD-31) and others.

For the complete build along with links to the software files go here...


The software files on GitHub here...


Video Overview of the throttle in use here.....


and another video using it with the SpeedTrap speedometer here ...


Have or building a HandCab? Let me know where you are....


You can find other 3D printable parts for your layout here....


11_Case_Top-11.stl 480.9KB
14_Middle_Case-15.stl 362.2KB
16_Bottom_Case-4.stl 326.6KB
21_Lower-Upper_and_Horn-1.stl 479.2KB
22_Horn_Housing_Cover-2.stl 66.4KB
23_Horn_Handle-1.stl 178.4KB
24_Upper_Housing_Upper_Part-4.stl 226.1KB
26_Upper_Housing_Top-3.stl 130.2KB
30_120_deg_Throttle_Handle-3.stl 206.5KB
34_Brake_Handle-2.stl 236.3KB
36_Reverser_Handle-2.stl 190.5KB
55_OLED_Bracket-3.stl 121.2KB
60_ESP32_Bracket-2.stl 17.9KB
Keypad_Bracket-5.stl 8.7KB
Keypad_Bracket-Thicker-6.stl 8.7KB