Hailong Battery Holder (ebike) 3D Printer Model

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License: CC BY
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The file 'Hailong Battery Holder (ebike) 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 867.6KB.


I converted my bike to ebike so I needed to came up with some holder for a battery. It is Hailong battery: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32914092155.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.7bfa4c4dPRZptF
I print this in nylon and use M5 40mm screws. PLA is probably not best choice cause it is too brittle for this purpose, rather use PETG if you cant use nylon. This holder are adjust for 35mm diameter rod but If you need it to fit some other diameter let me know and I will post it.

EDIT 19.12.2020:
I added version for 62mm diameter on request.
Also added elipse version on request.

Other parts are gear cable guide that comes bellow central hub and wire grip that this battery come without (you screw it with 2 M5 screw inside metal part of bottom original battery holder.) you will also need 3 M5 nuts per holder.

Battery_holder_bottom.stl 382.3KB
Battery_holder_bottom_D62.stl 340.7KB
Battery_holder_bottom_Elipse.stl 391.7KB
Battery_holder_top.stl 207.8KB
Battery_holder_top_D62.stl 189.5KB
Battery_holder_top_Elipse.stl 352.0KB
Battery_wire_grip.stl 61.6KB
Bottom_44mm.stl 145.2KB
Bottom_48mm.stl 146.0KB
Gear_cable_holder.stl 827.6KB
Top_44mm.stl 98.7KB
Top_48mm.stl 100.1KB