Gwent Card Game Belt Holster 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY
File formats: STL
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The file 'Gwent Card Game Belt Holster 3D Printer Model' is (STL) file type, size is 278.8KB.


With the recent announcement that CDProjektRed made at the Microsoft Conference at E3 2016 to make a stand alone game based around a side mini game within The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt, "Gwent" I modified the Yu-Gi-Oh! Deck Belt Holster to fit standard Gwent cards. I am unsure the general thickness of the cards so the specific amount of cards these can hold is unknown but I would guess one is more than enough for a usable deck of Gwent.

Chamfered_Lid.STL 28.7KB
Gwent_Symbol_Case.STL 84.6KB
Monsters_Case.STL 119.5KB
Monsters_Lid.STL 45.5KB
Nilfgaardian_Case.STL 312.1KB
Nilfgaardian_Lid.STL 69.3KB
Northern_Realms_Case.STL 183.9KB
Northern_Realms_Lid.STL 66.6KB
ScoiaTael_Case.STL 97.2KB
ScoiaTael_Lid.STL 41.6KB
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Wolf_Medallion_Extrusion.STL 161.9KB