The file 'GT1P FTIP Zaunkoenig M2k & M3k Mouse Mod (RH/LH) 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 14.8MB.
I'am proud to present my own right & left hander fingertip GT1P shell creation for m2k & m3k internals.
GT1P by ㄷㅇㅇㄴㅆㅇㅁㄹ
Thanks to tyuhn for the inspirations.
Please look at the pictures. I used gpx screws cause i only got the m2k & m3k pcb and not the shell with screws. Also hot glue the sensor prism like you see on the last picture. It removes the need for a sensor prism housing which also removes overall weight.
U should consider sanding the click area where it touches the switch and use some alutape / mylar tape e.g. to have the best click feeling. You can also try to put on thin dots (height below 0.8mm, better 0.6mm). I personally did my own mylar tape dots with 2 layer of 3M 4828 0.15mm + 3m 9495 LE 300LSE with a perforator).
Stay tuned & please follow me here & on x please: coolm0dz
Version printed in PLA with Prusa i3 MK3S+ & BROZZL nozzle Ruby for E3D V6 0.4mm.
If you want to get it more weight reduced use ABS. -25-30% weight.
Be aware that it is a free mod.
I am not responsible for any damage or harm you do to yourself or your parts ;)
Weight: 9.4gr base, 2x 1.7gr mousebuttons, 3.23gr scrollwheel pcb, 5.18gr main pcb = 21.21 gr (PLA) . There is still huge weight loss potential but i will first test it as it is now.
COOLMODZ_GT1P_m2k_Clickz.stl | 509.5KB | |
COOLMODZ_GT1P_m2k_LH_Base_v2.stl | 20.0MB | |
COOLMODZ_GT1P_m2k_RH_Base_v2.stl | 19.0MB |